This is an attempt to produce an exhaustive bibliography about anime & manga. It is far from complete yet. So far we've only transferred the old version
from the Protoculture website (adding links to
WoldCat and, whenever possible, to
Nelligan—the Montreal libraries' catalog). We've added more books (whatever was published since we first started this bibliography; luckily we own a copy of most of these titles — the copy we own are on yellow background) and we'll try to keep it updated as often as possible. [Last update: 2016-10-03]
For those who are wondering: “
anime” is referring to Japanese animation (cartoons) and “
manga” is referring to Japanese comics. They are an important part of Japanese culture.
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The essentials
BARICORDI, Andrea; De GIOVANNI, Massimiliano; PIETRONI, Andrea; ROSSI, Barbara and TUNESI, Sabrina. Anime: Guida al cinema d'animazione giapponese. Bologna: Granata Press, 1991. 320 pages. ISBN 88-7248-014-0. 35,000 L. [in italian]
BARICORDI, Andrea; De GIOVANNI, Massimiliano; PIETRONI, Andrea; ROSSI, Barbara and TUNESI, Sabrina. Anime: A Guide To Japanese Animation (1958-1988). Translated from the Italian by Adeline D'Opera and presented by Claude J. Pelletier. Montreal, Protoculture, 2000. 320 pages, B&W, ISBN 2-9805759-0-9. $25.00 US/Can.

CAMP, Brian & DAVIS, Julie. Anime Classics Zettai! 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2007. 408 pg. ISBN 978-1933330228. $18.95 US / $23.00 CDN. See my comment.
CLEMENTS, Jonathan & McCARTHY, Helen. The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide To Japanese Animation Since 1917. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2001. 545 pg. ISBN 1-880656-64-7. $24.95 US.
CLEMENTS, Jonathan & McCARTHY, Helen. The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide To Japanese Animation Since 1917. Revised & Expended Edition. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2006. 870 pg. ISBN 978-1933330105. $29.95 US.
LEDOUX, Trish & RANNEY, Doug. The Complete Anime Guide. Japanese Animation Film Directory & Resource Guide. Tiger Mountain Press, 1997. 214 pg. ISBN 0-9649542-5-7. $19.95 US.
McCARTHY, Helen & CLEMENTS, Jonathan. The Erotic Anime Movie Guide. London, Titan Books, 1998. 191 pg. ISBN 1-85286-946-1. £12.99.
POITRAS, Gilles. Anime Essentials: Every Thing A Fan Needs To Know. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 2001. 127 pg. ISBN 1-880656-53-1. $14.95 US.
[Collectif]. Le guide Phénix du manga. Paris, Azuka Éditions, 2005. 624 pg. ISBN 978-2849651384. € 18.00. [in french]
[Collectif]. Le guide Phénix du manga. Paris, Azuka Éditions, 2007. 750 pg. ISBN 978-2849651865. € 18.00. [in french]
[Collectif]. Le meilleur du manga 2013: Les conseils des pros pour s'y retrouver dans la masse ! Paris, Kazé, 2013. 192 pg. ISBN 978-2-8203-0510-7. € 7,95. [in french]
BASTIDE, Julien & PREZMAN, Anthony. Guide des mangas: Les 100 séries indispensables. Paris, Bordas, 2006. 288 pg. ISBN 978-2-04-732140-9. € 14,90.00. [in french]
CASTELLAZZI, Davide. A-Z manga: Guida al fumetto giapponese. Roma, Coniglio Editore, 2004. 192 pg. ISBN 978-8888833088. € 13.00. [in italian]
FINET, Nicolas. Dico Manga: Le dictionnaire encyclopédique de la bande-dessinée japonaise. Paris, Fleurus, 2008. 624 pg. ISBN 978-2215079316. € 30.00. [in french] Read the commentary.
GRAVETT, Paul. Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics. Laurence King Publishing / Harper Design Intl, 2004. 176 pg. ISBN 978-1856693912. $24.95 US. [Aussi disponible en version française]
GROENSTEEN, Thierry. LUnivers des Mangas. Une Introduction à la Bande Dessinée Japonaise. Casterman, 1996. 143 pg. ISBN 2-203-32606-9. [in french]
PINON, Matthieu & LEFEBVRE, Laurent. Histoire(s) du manga moderne. Paris: YNNIS Éditions, Avril 2015. 24 x 2.5 x 27 cm, 204 pg., 29.99 € / $49.95 Can. ISBN: 979-1-0933-7622-6.
POUPÉE, Karine. Histoire du manga: l'école de la vie japonaise. Paris: Tallandier, 2010. 396 pg. ISBN 9782847346688. € 23,00. [in french]
RICHARD, Oliver. Manga: Les 120 incontournables; La mangathèque idéale. Paris: 12 Bis, 2012. 256 pg. ISBN 978-2-35648-451-2. € 9,90. [in french]
SCHODT, Frederik L. Dreamland Japan; Writings On Modern Manga. Berkeley, Stone Bridge Press, 1996. 360 pg. ISBN 1-880656-23-X. $16.95 US.
SCHODT, Frederik L. Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics. New York/Tokyo, Kodensha, 1983. 260 pg. ISBN 0-87011-752-1. $16.95 US / 3,000¥.
THOMPSON, Jason. Manga: The Complete Guide. New York, Ballantine/Del Rey, 2007. 556 pg. ISBN 978-0345485908. $19.95 US / $24.95 CDN. See my comment.
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