On top of that I came back home to yet another water damage incident. The washing machine on the third floor overflowed. Again. If I was the landlord I would ban washing machine on the second and third floors. Is it that complicated a machine to operate? The water came gushing two floor bellow through the light fixture hole in the stairwell leading to the basement and... into my research library (aka the guestroom). Luckily the book shelves were unarmed, but the videocassette storage was hit, wetting cassette recordings of precious anime series! No real damage though, it should all dry quickly (anyway I was considering reusing or giving away most of those tapes -- who use VHS tapes anymore?). However I am really tired of those baths, hotwater tanks, washing machines and whatnot breaking, leaking or overflowing on my stuff. It is not always fun to live on a first floor...

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