(Text from the Turner Classic Movies' article)
WARNING: May contains trace of spoilers! People allergic to the discussion of any plot's elements before seeing a movie are strongly advised to take the necessary precautions for their safety and should avoid reading further.

In a very similar way to Rashomon, we see the protagonists various point of view as well as the woman's theories on the fate of her husband. Is he alive or dead? Was it suicide or murder? Who did it and why? The reconstruction of the events keeps changing, sometime unexpectedly. The storytelling is quite skillfully woven.
The director, Yoshitaro Nomura, was born into the movie industry as his father directed many silence movies. He started as an assistant to Akira Kurosawa and had a prolific career at Shochiku, shooting eighty-nine films in all genres but having a definite preference for crime drama. He also often adapted to the screen novels by mystery writer Yoshitaro Nomura. It is a shame that he is not well known by western movie fans. There is a 2009 remake of this movie directed by Isshin Inudo.
You can find a trailer of the movie on Youtube (in Japanese only, but a subtitled trailer is also available on Video detective):
Actually, you can even watch on Youtube the whole movie (again, in Japanese only and split in seven parts):
Zero Focus (ゼロの焦点 / Zero no shoten): Japan, 1961, B&W, 95 min.; Dir.: Yoshitaro Nomura; Scr.: Shinobu Hashimoto & Yoji Yamada (based on the novel of the same title by Seicho Matsumoto); Phot.: Takashi Kawamata; Ed.: Yoshiyasu Hamamura; Cost. Des.: Yuji Nagashima; Art dir.: Koji Uno; Mus.: Yasushi Akutagawa; Prod.: Ichinozuke Hosumi, Shigero Wakatsuki; Cast: Yoshiko Kuga (Teiko Uhara), Hizuro Takachiho (Sachiko Murota/Emmy), Ineko Arima (Hisako Tanuma), Koji Nanbara (Kenichi Uhara), Ko Nishimura (Sotaro Uhara), Sadako Sawamura ( Sotaro's wife), Yoshi Kato (Mr. Murota), Tatsuo Nagai (Lt. Kitamura); Available on Dvd from Home Vision Entertainment.
For more information you can visit the following websites:

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