The other day, in the subway, I saw an advert for the Canadian Society of Immigrant Consultants. Considering that, in the past, immigants had to go through a long and difficult journey across the atlantic to reach our shores, this advert inevitably conjured up in my mind the image of a poor immigrant leaning over board to throw up into the sea... It really doesn't help that this organisation's acronym, CSIC, can be pronounced “sea-sick”! Anyhow, this advert doesn't give any feeling of confidence into this society...
Another mail snafu just happened to me. I mailed a package to Abu Dhabi (in the United Arab Emirates) and it ended up in Kentuky, USA. I really don't understand what's going through the mind of those postal workers...
One more thing: People were calling the iPad the “miracle tablet” (“Last time there was this much excitement about a tablet, it had some commandments written on it”) or the “Jesus Slate” because the expectations of the, then rumored, iPad were so high (some thought it could even walk on water) they were sure it would resurrect Apple's business again (they wanted us to pick the apple from the tree of knowledge). Well, coincidentally (or is it?), the iPad will be released on Easter week-end!
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