The last three weeks have been quite busy. First, I applied to two new jobs without success. Then my twelve year-old cat took suddenly ill and stopped eating. After a week he was only the shadow of himself and finally left us. He was my best cat ever. It made me very sad.
Then the Montreal World Film Festival started. I had previously put myself in the mood by writing about two movies screened last year that I hadn't commented on yet (The floating castle, The little girl in me and the short B&W Foxes and the Cave of Light). So far I've managed to see almost all the japanese movies (I still have one tomorrow), but could put only three of them online (Botchan, The Flower of Shanidar, and The devil's path, plus the Australian short Tau Seru -- I'll do my best to finish the others and post them as soon as possible). The first movies I've screened didn't impress me at all, but they got better and better each day. Up to now my favourite is Mourning Recipe. I've strayed a little from my japanese targets and screened an italian movie for a change: L'amore è Imperfetto (I might comment on it eventually if I have time). Don't worry, I'll also soon resume commenting on manga... (I am currently reading several of them)
I managed to keep an eye on the news. Lately, it's all about the chemical attack in Syria and how the world should (or shouldn't) respond. There was still a few interesting stories that were worth bookmarking and I'll share them with you after the jump:
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tau Seru
It's “a simple story, with practically no dialogue, that of a young nomad hoping to leave this place. Capturing endless, vertiginous landscapes Tau Seru is a physical, earthy film offering a tender portrait of a father and son in the silence of the lambs.” (Baptiste Etchegaray, on Semaine de la Critique du Festival de Cannes website)
The director is Australian and it was shot in the Indian Himalayas in a region called Ladakh, near the city of Leh.
A father and son bring their herd of sheep and goats to the “alpine” pastures of the Himalayas. One sheep is sick or too tired and refuse to go further. The father ask the son to go sell it to a nearby camp. The son take the money of the sale, hops on a bus and leaves, presumably for the city. An age-old story beautifully told, with almost no dialogues (in fact, I don't remember any!). The scenery and the photography is just gorgeous. A nice little gem.
Tau Seru ( Small Yellow Field ): Australia / India, 2013, 8 min.; Dir./Scr./Prod.: Rodd Rathjen; Phot.: Michael latham; Ed.: Marco Treglia, Mischa Baka, Rodd Rathjen; Co-Prod.: Tashi Wangail; Cast: Deskong Namgyal Nurla (boy), Tashi Wangail (father). Short Film opening for The devil's path, screened at the Montreal World Film Festival August 25th, 2013 (Cinema Quartier Latin 9, 16h20) as part of the “Focus on World Cinema” segment.
For more information you can visit the following websites:
[ Traduire ]
The devil's path
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Flower of Shanidar
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Spotty (c. 2002 - 2013)
Spotty came out of the back alley and chose us to take care of him. He was a gentle and overwhelmingly loving cat. He left us after a short sickness. We are immensely grateful for the time he has spent with us.
We want to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Odette Girard and the Clinique vétérinaire de la Promenade.
Please do not send flowers, but instead give a hug to those you love dearly or send donation to your favourite animal shelter or charity (Animal Rescue Network, SPCA Montréal, WWF Canada, etc.).
There won't be any Cat-urday picture this week (Pas d'Image du Chat-medi cette semaine).
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Friday, August 23, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Buddha (1)
“Tezuka himself was a humanist rather than a Buddhist, and his magnum opus is not an attempt at propaganda. Hermann Hesse’s novel or Bertolucci’s film is comparable in this regard; in fact, Tezuka’s approach is slightly irreverent in that it incorporates something that Western commentators often eschew, namely, humor.” [ Text from the publisher's web site ]
B/W Foxes and the Cave of Light
Monday, August 19, 2013
The little girl in me
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Dororo (1)
“Dororo est un manga de samouraï d'un genre plutôt inhabituel.”
[ Texte de la jaquette intérieure de couverture ]
Continuez après le saut de page >>
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Kirihito (1)
“À travers ce drame bouleversant, Osamu Tezuka plonge son scalpel directement dans un des “foyers infectieux” qui rongent notre société contemporaine.”
[ Texte de la jaquette intérieure de couverture ]
Continuez après le saut de page >>
Monday, August 12, 2013
Fantasia 2013 Overview
To follow up on my presentation of the Fantasia 2013 programmation, I am adding here a few comments on this 17th edition of the Fantasia International Film Festival that just concluded.
This year the Japanese selection of the festival was offering thirty-three movies (including eight anime and three shorts). Unfortunately, I don't have time anymore to queue to watch every Japanese movies like I used to do, and I also feel that I don't fit with that kind of young, over energetic crowd anymore. But at least I was able to watch one movie and review two: Thermae Romae and Library Wars. There are a few more movies that I wished I would have been able to screen, like the Rurouni Kenshin live-action or Garden of Words, the latest Makoto Shinkai's anime.
Press Review (2013-08-11)
The last month was relatively quiet in the news department. No big event that I feel I must report on absolutely. However, I nevertheless gathered about an hundred links of little information that I found interesting. And I want to share them with you after the jump:
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Domestic log (2013-08-11)
We've finished watching Bleak House and, staying with the Gillian Anderson theme, continued with The Fall, a modern police drama set in Belfast and which ends abruptly letting suspects that there will be a second season. Now we've started watching The White Queen (actually we're almost done, since there's only two episodes left), an epoch drama about three women who played a key role in the war of the roses, which suits more our taste (although I've also started watching on my own another british modern police drama called Broadchurch -- I can't help it as it has two Doctor Who actors in it: Arthur Darvill [ who played Rory, one of the Eleventh Doctor's companions, as well as Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, in The White Queen ] and David Tennant [ the tenth Doctor himself! ]).
July 23rd was my eldest sister's birthday. She was killed in a freak accident in Paris exactly thirty years ago and would have been fifty-nine years old... That week-end, I didn't write as much as I wanted, but the weather was so nice. My wife and I walked in the park, witnessing a beautiful rainbow and a superb sunset. Of course, as soon as the week started, it was raining again. But at least the temperature and humidity were still bearable. I wish all summer could be like this week-end. Alas, it cannot be.
July 23rd was my eldest sister's birthday. She was killed in a freak accident in Paris exactly thirty years ago and would have been fifty-nine years old... That week-end, I didn't write as much as I wanted, but the weather was so nice. My wife and I walked in the park, witnessing a beautiful rainbow and a superb sunset. Of course, as soon as the week started, it was raining again. But at least the temperature and humidity were still bearable. I wish all summer could be like this week-end. Alas, it cannot be.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
L'image du Mer-fleurie (2013-08-07)
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Montreal World Film Festival 2013
This year the slogan of the festival is "The world is yours" and the “dominant theme in the films of the competition this year, is that of human beings caught a changing world, facing new realities”. Screenings will be held at the Cinema Imperial (CI) and Théatre Maisonneuve (TM) for the movies in competition, and at the Cinema Quartier Latin (QL) for the rest. You can read more details in the press release announcing this year's line-up.
This year the festival is offering us eleven Japanese movies: one in official world competition, one in the World Great category (out of competition), eight in the Focus on World Cinema (including one short) and one short student movie.
It is also worth noting that this year festival spotlight shines on the Korean cinema of today, with ten feature films and eight short films.
Monday, August 05, 2013
Library Wars
I have already introduced this movie in a previous blog entry, but here you can read my comments and some more information about Library Wars.
Saturday, August 03, 2013
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