Strangely, after getting temperatures up to 10℃ in February, we had nearly -20℃ in March! And, as it warmed up a little and all the snow we had received during the winter had almost melted, we got hit by the biggest snowstorm of the year! This mid-march wallop left us with almost two feet (sixty centimeters) of snow in one night and one day! It felt like January again! Today, Spring has officially arrived and it is above zero again, but I have the feeling that this roller-coaster is not over. There's really no seasons anymore…
It was the sixth anniversary of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami disaster (as well as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster), but lately the news were dominated by the various scandals rocking the Trump Presidency, mostly the Russia Dossier and allegations of Russian interference during the electoral process. Despite Trump doing his best to distract our attention from it, it become increasingly clear that his campaign has had contacts and possibly collusion with Russian interests. We can only wonder how much his Presidency is politically and financially compromised by this. Lately, I've started watching MSNBC and it is fascinating. It gives me a brand new perspective. Now, considering that it took only ONE blow-job to put Clinton on the impeachment path and that Trump has been plagued already with numerous questionable business deals and sexual misconduct allegations, I am wondering how much more it will take to remove this evil clown from office !!!
Another notable event was the fact that my Jawbone fitness band broke and that I replaced it with a Fitbit. It's my third Jawbone fitness band that breaks (first a UP24, then a UP2 and finally a UP3 and in all cases it was the rubber of the band that broke apart) so, that's it, I've decided to never use that company again (too bad, I really liked their app). Considering the reviews and quality/price ratio, I chose to replace it with a Fitbit Flex 2 band. Since I already have an Apple Watch, I decided to go with a simpler model and I was impressed with Fitbit's clever concept of the device itself being separated from the band so you can switch band at will for fashion reasons or if it breaks. I am a little disappointed with the app but I am sure I'll get used to it. So far, it is working quite well.
I also discovered that I had been screwed by Dropbox — which I used to host all the images for this blog. They changed their policy and now all the image links are irreparably broken. I've already taken temporarily measures to keep the most recent or important entries of the blog illustrated, but I am considering to eventually switch to a Wordpress blog (with the same web hosting service that was used for the magazine). The transition will probably be slow and incremental since it is a lot of work.
However, the last couple of weeks were mostly dedicated to preparing for my mother's funerals. I took a week off from work not only to help my sister preparing the funeral (book the hall, choose and order the buffet, shop all the stuff that was needed, contact people, make appointments, fill paperwork, plan the ceremony, etc.) but mainly to prepare the music medley and produce a commemorative video that would pay hommage to my mother's memory (it is now available in two slightly different versions, on both this blog and my Vimeo page). Strangely, the funerals for the father of one of my dear friends were on the same day…
I was hoping to take advantage of this little time off also to catch up on my reading and writing, maybe go see a movie and visit a museum, but it was so busy that I couldn't do anything. I even got behind in my TV shows watching.
Unfortunately, I also barely managed to stay acquainted with the affairs of the world and gathered only a few notable news & links — which I share with you nevertheless (in both french or english, and in no particular order), after the jump.
[ Traduire ]
- La chaîne NHK propose un documentaire sur les athlètes en anime (AnimeLand)
- Donald Trump’s Worst Deal (The New Yorker)
- Lightroom for iOS turns your iPhone into a DSLR with raw HDR capture mode (Macworld)
- Learn how to read faster with Spritz on the iPhone and iPad (Apple Insider)
- Sophie Gregoire Trudeau's women's day post 'shameful' (BBC) [C'mon, leave the poor girl alone]
- Protect Our Democracy (Congressman Eric Swalwell's link)
- First Game of Thrones: Season 7 Teaser Poster Gets Literal With Ice and Fire (IGN)
- 12 Best iPhone Photography Accessories 2017 (Esquire)
- A Message to our Readers: Big Changes at ICv2! (link)
- Game of Thrones Premiere Date Set (ICv2)
- Kim Jong Nam death: Malaysia positively identifies body of man killed at airport (CNN)
- The scientific evidence that Neanderthals kissed each other (Quartz)
- Donald Trump's War on Washington (Time)
- Robert Reich is The Resistance ! (web link, FB link)
- La bibliothèque de Verdun devient la bibliothèque Jacqueline-De Repentigny (BiblioMontreal)
- Un nouveau manga Kenshin Le Vagabond sortira ce printemps au Japon (AnimeLand)
- 22 incredible candid photos show life in Tokyo's 'golden 60s' and 70s (Business Insider)
- Republican healthcare plan: 24 million people could lose coverage, CBO reports (The Guardian)
- US applications for New Zealand citizenship jump 70 percent (AP)
- So You Want to Read Cli-Fi: Here’s Where to Start (Unbound Worlds)
- Developer alleges spotting new Apple TV model, unannounced 'tvOS 11' in use logs (Apple Insider)
- NHK World Airs Hayao Miyazaki Documentary (ANN)
- Article 50: A guide to Britain’s untested plan for Brexit (The Washington Post)
- Studio Khara's (Evangelion films) 2-Part Anime The Dragon Dentist gets streamed in English on NHK World (ANN, NHK, Wikipedia, Crunchyroll, Google, Ep. 01 and Ep. 2 on Kiss Anime)
- Live-Action Ghost in the Shell Spot Teases Kuze (ANN)

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